
Monday, 14 October 2013

learning possibilities supporte by the internet

There are many different viable opportunities for learning using the internet. Each form or method for learning online serves a different purpose. They can be created or modified by teachers in schools, lecturers, Managers of companies, parents etc. It is generally used by anybody who wants to learn. It is not the same as e-learning which can also be done on a stand alone computer. it is known as web-learning and can be done through any computer connceted to the internet.

People can use other people's work for free through the use of a creative commons license. when a person creates something, the may get a creative commons license which specifically states for what and how that particular peiec of work can be used. if a person creates learning material, they can specifically stipulate in the creative commons license that it may be used for teaching purposes.

A creative commons can be intergrated into training institutions in the following way:
  • Graphic designers can use images that have been marked for personal re-use
  • teachers may play video tutorials/lessons for learners in class
  • Audio lessons may be provided to leaners
  • Creative commons license also includes acedemic materials which may be used in learning institutions
  • students may be taught about commons licenses by creating their own work and having a creative 
  • license for it which can be posted online
 There is no clear indication of who wrote the page, although it is a website for the company Microsoft there should be a clear indication of who the author of the website is as well as information to clearly indicate whether or not the person is qualified to write this website.

There is no clear distiction between the webmaster and the author of the article. There should be a clear indication made so reader or users of the website and clearly know the difference in the case of some readers/users wanting to contact the author about content or the webmaster for any queries about the website.

The layout of the website can become rather confusing and over-whelming for users. The creator of the website should redesign the page in order to enforce simplicity in the website. there are a large amount of links on the website linking to other website as well as other pages. a list of links wopuld be more desirable as well as categorising the links in a manner which groups the links of the same site in one location while grouping links to other websites in a different category.

There is no detailed information on the website. All the content on the website in very vague and should rather be redone in order to give the users more clear information of the purpose and content of the page.

The information presented in the website Is very clustered and can not be read very easily. A person would have to clearly read all the information in the website in order to find the link or information they are looking for. Information in the website should be summarised better and placed in categories so that users can navigate the wbsite with ease.

All the information presented in the website is based on the evaluation of the Microsoft Learning website

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